The alpine goat
The high demand for nutritious goat milk, low cost of production and maintenance and high feed conversion rates makes dairy goat farming better than dairy cows.
More farmers with small land sizes are turning to dairy goat farming as it doesn’t require huge structures like dairy cows. This has led to the prices of dairy goats appreciating high.
Currently, a good dairy goat with high milk production costs between sh.30,000 to sh.45,000.
In this article, we analyse the distinguishing traits of various dairy goats in Kenya.
The best dairy goats breed in Kenya

The alpine goats are the best in terms of milk production with top goats producing up to 6 litres per day.
Alpine goats are hardy with the ability to adapt to any climatic conditions which makes them thrive in any part of Kenya.
To sustain the high milk production, the alpine must be fed on highly nutritious fodder, concentrates and mineral salts all always.
Alpine goats originated in France in the Alps.

Toggenbugs goats have a grey colour with white legs and white at the base of the tail.
Having a straight and erect ear, well-bred Toggenburgs goats weigh up to 70kg and the doe up to 55kg.
The large weight and ability to produce more milk have made this Switzerland-originated breed the best for farmers who want both milk and mutton.
Toggenbugs can produce up to 2-4 litres per day.

Saanen goats have short, white hair and upright ears and are known for their easy-going temperament.
They are the highest milk producers among dairy goats but are smaller than the alpine with does weighing up to 65kg.
Unlike alpine which can adapt to any weather, the Saanen breed is sensitive to excess sunlight and only thrives in cooler climatic conditions.
The Saanen breed originated from Switzerland in the Saanen Valley.

This breed was developed in Britain by crossing British goats with bucks of African and Indian origin.
Anglo-Nubian goats are easily recognizable due to their long, floppy ears that hang close to the head and convex “Roman nose” muzzle.
They have a longer breeding season.
It is an all-purpose breed raised for meat, milk and hide production. Actually, It is the best-suited dairy goat breed to hot climatic conditions due to its Middle Eastern heritage.
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The new technology has now enabled goats’ artificial insemination of the above breeds here in Kenya.
Next, we shall look at dairy goats’ artificial insemination and associated benefits. in the meantime, you can reach out to us here for goat Artificial insemination services on +254736906472