Agriculture contributes more than 20% of developing countries’ gross domestic product. It is a more significant source of employment to thousands, both informal and formal honey farming being one of them.
Despite the challenges of weather and climate change, players in the agricultural value chain are increasing the value of outputs through technology and science.
Unlike in past years when agriculture was perceived for the less fortunate, things are changing with investors investing millions of dollars on production inputs and marketing.
Ruth Jepchirchir is an investor turning raw honey into “gold” by processing it naturally and selling it at a high market value. Ruth, a master’s graduate from the University of Eldoret, saw the challenges farmers in arid counties of the rift valley face selling raw honey to brokers and decided to put a smile on their face by selling them at a higher market price.
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She started by one kilogram per week in 2020 and what began as a hobby has turned to Honey zest company limited that is employing society and smile to farmers.

Consistency in quality has increased demand for their produce, rising production to one ton per month. Promptly payment and reasonable buying prices have made more farmers trust HoneyZest’s guaranteeing supply.
The growth has called for expansion of HoneyZest’s product line to consultancy services on apiculture farming, providing necessary information and strategies for increased honey production.
Honey bee products
- Honey – Honey bees suck the nectar from flowers and store it in a stomach-like organ called a honey crop. When the bee returns to the colony, another bee takes the nectar and spreads it over the wax honey comb to help water evaporate. The second bee also adds and enzyme called invertase to help break down the sugar molecules. Once it becomes thick it is sealed in a cell with a wax cap.
- Pollen – Pollen grains are small, male reproduction units (gametophytes) formed in the anthers of the higher flowering plants.
- Propolis – Propolis, or bee glue, is a mixture of beeswax and resins collected from leaf bugs and twigs. It is used to line nest cavities and brood combs, seal cracks and reduce the size of the hive entrance. Propolis has antibacterial and antifungal properties.
- Royal jelly – Royal jelly is a protein rich substance that is fed to larvae. More is given to the queen larva, causing her to grow larger than the other bees. It is made from digested pollen and honey and contains sugars, fats, amino acids, vitamins, minerals and proteins.
- Bee venom – Bee venom used in the bee sting is made up of a complex mixture of proteins. Recent research suggests that venom may have benefits to humans.
Take Home
Ruth is an example of how youth are transforming the agricultural industry through creativity. “Even though it had,” she notes, “the journey is worth persistence, perseverance, and consistency in quality.” You can reach out to Honey zest through honeyhoneyzest@gmail.com or on tel: +254720231174