Spinach farming profitability in Kenya depends on timing, location and quality of produce. With a maturity of 45 days from transplanting, under good management, an acre of spinach can yield 10 to 15 tones.
The price for a kilo of spinach ranges from ksh 15 to ksh 35. This means a farmer can make Ksh 10,000 to ksh 15,000 from an acre of spinach.
For optimal yield, 120g of spinach seeds are raised on a seedbed for 4 weeks and later transplanted on a spacing of 45cm by 45cm. Management follows by drenching with Thunder insecticides and Citi shooter. Topdressing is also necessary to boost growth and good yields.
Seeds cost ksh 500, chemicals ksh 1500 and fertilizer ksh 3000, cost inputs totals ksh 5000. If labor is added, ksh 4000 and other costs ksh 2000 total cost of farming spinach tally to ksh 11,000.
Read: The best way to farm spinach in Kenya’s Heavy Rainfall
This means if farmers produce less than 12 tonnes they stare at a loss. Spinach farming is profitable if only farmers produce over 13 tonnes per acre.
The profitability will also matter in the season of production. Spinach prices are high in the rainy season. Unlike other greens that are plenty in rainy seasons, spinach is easily destroyed by rains reducing supply and pushing prices.