Tree tomato Farming

How to Grow Tree Tomato (Tamarillo) in Kenya

Tamarillo or tree tomato farming in Kenya has evolved due to high local Demand. Tree tomato is a small duck Egg-sized fruit rich in vitamins A, C and Vitamin B complex with a sweet tomato-like taste.

These rich health benefits have increased local consumption, attracting farmers to venture into it to fill the demand. Though it has been cumbered by price and disease challenges, tree tomato farming is still practised in the Kenyan Highlands.

This article aims at educating farmers on how they can grow tree tomatoes, and get high yields minus the negative impacts of diseases and pests.

We shall cover the following topics and you can click any to jump right to it;

The Tree Tomato Market

Tree tomato is sold as fruit and has high demand in hot season. Unlike many fruits, tree tomatoes are sold in kilograms. The tree tomato price per kilogram ranges from Ksh 100 to Ksh 150 retail and Ksh 50 farmgate price. Prices vary with quality, variety, taste, weather and market supply.

The mass market absorbs 70% of Kenyan production while exports, supermarkets and grocery stores buy the other 30%. The mass market is dominated by brokers who offset huge production and also influence market prices.

The secret of tree tomato farming is planting the best variety in warm and hot regions. Though it is hard, the planting should be done in a way that Harvesting coincides with hot months. Fruit consumption is high in hot months; therefore, tree tomato attracts good prices.

Best Tree Tomato Varieties to Plant in Kenya

The Red Oratia tree tomato variety grafted with Muthakwa (Bug Weed) is the best. Grafting Red Oratia increases yield from 80kgs in non-grafted trees to 100kgs. It also shortens maturity by half from 2 years to 8 months.

The Muthakwa tree has tap roots which enables it to thrive in dry areas with little water for irrigation. Additionally, the Muthakwa tree is never affected by Nematodes.

How to Plant Tree Tomatoes (Tamarillo)  

Tamarillo does well in loam-deep fertile soils with good drainage and a gentle slope to avoid flooding.

Grafted Tree Tomato Farming
Grafted Tree tomato

Dig planting holes on a spacing of 4m from one plant to another and 5m from one row to another with a depth of 2ft.

An acre can carry about 1,200 tree tomatoes.

Add a mixture of 2kg compost manure and topsoil to the hole. Plant the seedling on the hole with the grafting union above ground level. Drench with Citishooter or Optimizer and Marshal to enhance growth and control Nematodes.

Tree Tomato Management

Weed Management

The farm should be clean of weeds at all times. Carry out regular Manual weeding or selective herbicides such as clampdown 480SL 200ml/20l water.

For economical use of land, farmers can intercrop with crops such as cabbages, kales and capsicums.


Regular watering is recommended to enhance growth and better yields. Use drip irrigation or watering with buckets.

Stake the tree at the fruiting stage to avoid breakages. Pruning should be done to control fruiting and fruit sizes.

Tree tomato Nutrition

The best fertilizer for tree tomatoes is Di-ammonium Phosphate DAP applied at planting, NPK  17. 17. 17 applied at 40 days and C.A.N. applied at 60 days.

All fertilizers should be applied at the rate of 100 grams per tree. The application should be done on a ring method around the crop followed by watering.

Tree tomato diseases

Mosaic, Blight and Powdery mildew are the worst fungal diseases which if not controlled early cause total crop loss.


Infections start on old leaves with signs of dark brown spots which may spread to the stems. As severity increases leaves turn yellow and fall off.

Spray Mistress 72WP 50g/20l or Ridomil Gold 50g/20l or Fortress Gold 40g/20l to control blight.

Powderly Mildew

It starts by forming grey-white Powderly on the leaves distorting the plant. As disease severity increases, the plant may wilt and eventually die.

Spray Absolute Star 10/20l to control Powderly mildew.


Leaf mosaic virus is a viral disease transmitted mostly by aphids and other pests. Infected leaves reduce in size with patches of dark green alternating with yellow-green. The plant finally stunts with reduced quality of fruits.

Spray Profile 20ml/20L or Pentagon 10ml/20l to control aphids.

Tree tomato pests and how to control them

The common pests in tree tomato farming are aphids, whiteflies and Nematodes.


Aphids are greenish or black soft-bodied sap-sacking insects. The secret honeydew that affects photosynthesis attracts ants. Affected leaves are curled and twisted.

Spray Profile 20ml/20L or Pentagon 10ml/20l to control aphids.


Whiteflies are white-winged sap-sacking insects. Infected leaves turn yellow, followed by curling and eventually drying off.

Spray Emmaron 10ml/20l or Match 25ml/20l to control whiteflies.


These are parasites found in the soil which cause wilting of the plant. Infested plants if pulled from the soil show distorted-swollen roots bearing knots. Eventually, the root rot and the plant die.

Drench the planting holes with Marshall 250EC 50ml/20l or Alonze 50EC 6ml/20l to prevent nematodes.

Tree tomato harvesting

Tree tomato (Tamarillo) is ready for harvesting when fruits develop a yellow or red colour. Harvesting is done by simply pulling the ripped fruits gently from the tree. Ripening and maturity do not happen simultaneously unless pruning is done.

Tree Tomato Farming
Tree Tomato

Under good management, each Tomato tree can yield over 20kgs; 24,000kgs per acre.

Tree tomato farming profitability depends on market prices and cost of production. With low cost of production and good market prices tree tomato farming is profitable.

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