Soil is a medium at which most crops grow. Soil fertility is a critical factor in determining agricultural potential.
All plants take up nutrients from the soil as they grow which are later removed with any harvested plant. Therefore, crop rotation or fertilizers is required to prevent the best soils from being depleted by farming.
Soil is composed of organic matter, living plants and animals, water, and air. Generally, the soil is classified as sandy, loamy, or clay soil.
Porous loamy soils are the riches of all and are made up of organic matter, which retains water and provides the nutrients needed by crops. Sand and clay soils tend to have less organic matter.
Soil ph affects the productivity of the soil. PH is the alkalinity or acidity of the soil. Crops perform differently in various PHs; some crops are tolerant to acidity while others are not.
Research has shown that Chilies, sweet potatoes, and Irish potatoes are torelant to soil acidity and can do well in soils with ph values below 5.5.
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Most horticultural crops (onions, spinach, carrots, cabbages, and cauliflower) are intolerant to acidity and can only grow well in soils with PH values above 6.0.

Crops planted in clay soils tend to wither, have stunted growth and nutrient deficiency problems, or die.
Crops planted on sandy soils tend to grow well in the first week, but stunt later dying off.
Can one rehabilitate farm soil, especially in horticultural farming?
However, farmers have learned to rehabilitate their soils for increased productivity. This is aimed to improve; aeration, drainage, fertility, and sustainable production.

The simple secret
Using sawdust plus charcoal dust and a high quantity of farmyard manure or compost manure, farmers gradually create more arable land.
The mixture can be broadcasted on the farm or added to the planting pit.
Another method to rehabilitate poor, infertile soil is adding a 1-3ft layer of rich fertile soil from the forest to the not-arable land.