Are you struggling with pigs that aren’t fattening as quickly as you’d like? Have they become stunted despite your efforts?
You’re about to discover the best solution to help fatten your pigs faster, regardless of whether they are currently stunted or not.
Butasol-100 and maize meal are the top boosters for pigs. The quicker your pigs fatten, the sooner you can make money.
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Unfortunately, many pigs can take over a year to reach an average weight of 60 kg, which can be very disappointing, especially for small-scale farmers.
Ideally, by six months of age, pigs should weigh at least 60 kg. This goal can be achieved unless serious stunting occurs due to metabolic disorders stemming from poor nutrition, inadequate management, or disease.
After weaning your piglets, it is essential to deworm them and administer the best booster, Butasol-100. Repeat this treatment every two weeks.
This booster should be supplemented with high-quality feeds that are rich in energy and protein. Ensure that the feeds are free from aflatoxins; maize meal works particularly well in this regard.
The combination of Butasol-100 and maize meal will help your pigs gain weight faster than ever before, and the booster has a zero-withdrawal period.
Administration of the booster should be carried out by a veterinarian. However, be cautious, as some veterinarians may not be trustworthy. Ensure that you see the actual bottle being used for the injection, as some may inject cheaper substitutes that farmers jokingly refer to as “water.”
A similar approach applies to stunted pigs. Administering the booster alone, without making dietary changes, will not yield significant results.
For the best outcome, make sure to adopt a comprehensive strategy that includes both the booster and proper nutrition.