In order to increase profit margins in farming, farmers have to lower costs by all means. Labour; a key factor of production, accounts for over 30% of the total cost of production.
The rise in inflation in Kenya has increased demand for high wage rates which has made farming more expensive.
To lower labour costs farmers must turn to mechanisation and use of herbicides to control weeds.
The use of herbicides involves less labour and conserves soil moisture as it does not involve any tillage.
Large-scale Maize farmers have mastered the art of zero weeding through the use of selective herbicides.
Read Also;
The best cabbage varieties to plant
How to grow carrots successfully
To minimise these high costs and losses we look at the available alternatives with high efficiency and sustainability that farmers can use.
Selective herbicides for carrots in Kenya
Sencor 480sc
Sencor 480SC is a selective herbicide for pre and post-emergence weed control in carrots, peas, potatoes, tomatoes and other crops.
A single application gives residual control as well as a knockdown effect on many weeds making it the most effective selective herbicide for carrots.
It is a product of Bayer crop science and comes in 500ml,1lL and 10L pack sizes.
Linagan 50WP
Linagan 50 WP is a pre and post-emergence herbicide for the control of broad-leaved weeds and annual grasses in potatoes, carrots, beans, peas and maize.
Having the ability to control emerged weeds within one week with no impact on the environment, Linagan 50wp has become the best selective herbicide for the control of weeds in carrots farming.
It is a product of Amiran (k) limited and comes in 100g,250g and 500g pack sizes.
You can order Linagan 50WP Here
Ambar 480sc
Produced by CKL AFRICA, Ambar 480sc is a fast-acting systematic selective herbicide for the control of a variety of annual broad-leafed weeds and grasses in potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, sugarcane, beans and also as a herbicide for maize crops.
Ambar 480sc comes in 50ml,200ml and 500ml pack sizes.
Hotline 450sc

This is a broad-spectrum selective herbicide which controls pre-emergence and post-emergence weeds in carrots, coriander, beans, baby corn, maize and potatoes. It is recommended for use 2-3 days after sowing.
Jangwa 700wp
Jangwa 700wp is a selective herbicide for pre and early post-weed emergence, for control of annual grasses and broad-leaved weeds in Carrots, Potatoes, Tomatoes & Maize.
It is a product of Kenagro Supplies Ltd and comes in 50g and 100g packages.
Tata Moto 70wp
Moto is a broad, selective pre and post-emergence systemic herbicide.
It is used for pre-and early post-emergence control of many types of grass and broad-leafed weeds in sugarcane, baby corn, maize, cereals, potatoes, tomatoes, soya beans and carrots.
Moto is a product of Osho chemicals limited and comes in 50gm,100 gm,500 gm and 1 kg pack sizes.
Finally, selective herbicides should always be used on clean knapsacks with strict adherence to the prescribed application guidelines and rates. Therefore, before using them, ensure you read the attached guidelines keenly for better results.