Cucumbers are a delicate crop that can be farmed both indoors and outdoors. However, diseases and pest infestation combined with poor management have led farmers to make massive losses.
This article aims to educate farmers on how to grow cucumbers from seeds inexpensively, maximize yields, and increase profits.
Cucumber Market in Kenya
Cucumber prices in Kenya vary based on the market and the variety. English cucumbers attract premium prices compared to regular cucumbers.
English cucumbers are long, thin, and straight, often measuring twice the length of a standard slicing cucumber. They tend to be sweeter than common cucumbers, which usually have large seeds that contribute to a bitter flavour.
The skin of an English cucumber is thinner than that of sliced cucumbers, so it does not need to be peeled. Since the seeds are small and easy to digest, there is no need to seed them before consumption; simply slice and serve.
A recent market check indicated that English cucumbers retail for KSh 250 per kilogram in supermarkets and online grocery stores, which is five times the average farmgate price and double the mass market prices.
The typical farmgate price for regular cucumbers is KSh 50 per kilogram, rising to KSh 80 per kilogram in mass markets.
To maximize earnings, consider growing hybrid cucumbers and, if possible, English cucumbers.
Identify fast-moving quality cucumber varieties in the market and plant accordingly to avoid overproduction of low-quality cucumbers.
Best Soil for Cucumber Farming in Kenya
Cucumbers thrive in loamy, deep, fertile soils with good drainage. It is advisable to supplement the soil with manure to enhance fertility and promote faster growth.
Cucumber plants may experience stunted growth or produce small fruits if planted in clay or sandy soils.
Best Cucumber Varieties in Kenya
Jude F1, Envoy F1 and GS 18-4115 are the best cucumber varieties for farming in Kenya:
Jude F1: This early-maturing variety takes about 75 days to reach maturity after transplanting. With a spacing of 60 cm by 45 cm, an acre can yield 4-5 tonnes of fruit, with each fruit weighing 50-75 grams. Jude F1 cucumbers are long, cylindrical, medium green, and measure approximately 10 cm by 1 cm.
Envoy F1: Known for its high resistance to cucumber mosaic virus, cucumber vein yellowing, and powdery mildew, this variety produces dark glossy green fruits that measure 22-30 cm in length and have a diameter of 5 cm. It is highly recommended for greenhouse farming.
GS 18-415: This slicer cucumber is suitable for both greenhouse and outdoor farming. It matures early, producing dark green fruits measuring 19-22 cm in length and weighing approximately 240 grams.
How to Plant Cucumbers in Kenya
Cucumbers can be sown directly into the ground with a spacing of 90 cm by 100 cm. Plant 2-3 seeds in holes that are 2 cm deep.
It is recommended to drench the planting holes with optimizer mixed with Thunder insecticide to control soil-borne pests. Alternatively, cucumbers can be transplanted from seedlings.
Cucumber Fertilizer Schedule

In each planting hole, add 1 kg of well-decomposed manure before planting. Top-dress with DAP, NPK 17-17-17, and CAN on the 14th, 30th, and 45th days after sowing, respectively.
To enhance vegetative growth during the first four weeks, apply citishooter (a growth hormone). Apply Zinbor at the onset of flowering to prevent flower abortion and Wuxal Macromix to promote fruiting and flowering.
Common Cucumber Pests and How to Control Them
Fruit Flies:
These pests pierce cucumber fruits to lay their eggs inside, causing damage as their larvae feed inside the fruit. This leads to sunken, discoloured patches and open cracks that invite fungi and bacteria, resulting in fruit rot.
To control fruit flies, spray with Profile 440EC at a rate of 30ml/20l or Emmaron 30SCat a rate of 10ml/20 l.
Leaf Miners:
The larvae of these pests mine under the leaf surface, creating irregular white mines that increase in size as they mature. This reduces the photosynthetic area, leading to wilting leaves.
Control leaf miners by spraying with Dynamec 1.8EC 10ml/20ml or Alonze 50EC at a rate of 3 ml per 20 litres.
These insects suck sap from cucumber plants and excrete honeydew, which encourages the growth of mold and affects plant vitality.
The tobacco whitefly is particularly problematic as it vectors various virus diseases, causing significant damage to cucumbers.
Control whiteflies by spraying with Profile 440EC at a rate of 30ml/20l or Emmaron 30SC at a rate of 10ml/20 l.
By following these guidelines, farmers can enhance cucumber production and improve their profitability in the competitive market.
Cucumber Diseases and How to Control Them
Damping Off
This is a soil-borne disease that causes failure in the emergence of seedlings and results in the rotting of emerged cucumber seedlings. The roots of infected seedlings display a white, cottony growth.
To treat this, drench the soil with Redomil Gold at a rate of 50g per 20L of water.
Downy Mildew
Small, pale-yellow spots appear on the upper surface of the leaves, while a purplish-grey or whitish growth develops on the underside of these spots, especially in humid conditions.
Affected leaves may curl, shrivel, and eventually die. Infected plants can become stunted and die, leading to poor-quality cucumber fruits. To control this, spray with Redomil Gold at the rate of 50g per 20L of water.
Angular Leaf Spot
This infection causes the development of angular spots on leaves that vary in size, depending on the size of the leaf veins. Initially, these spots appear water-soaked. Severe cases of infection can result in leaf defoliation.
To control, Spray Isacop 50WP at the rate of 70g per 20L or Absolute Star 400SC at the rate of 8ml per 20l
Powdery Mildew
Symptoms begin as a whitish, talcum-like powdery growth on the upper surface of the leaves. As the infection progresses, it can also affect the stems. Severely infected parts turn yellow and may eventually wilt.
To control spray Absolute Star 400SC at the rate of 8ml per 20l.
Cucumber Mosaic
This is a viral disease spread mechanically and by various species of aphids in a non-persistent manner. Infected cucumber leaves exhibit reduced size and display patches of dark green tissue alternating with yellow-green areas.
Typically, the plant becomes stunted, and the cucumbers may develop water-soaked lesions with solid, central spots.
With these steps, you can grow cucumbers affordably and effectively in Kenya’s market.
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