Black spot fungus (Diplocarpon rosae) is a disease that attacks any plant with fresh leaves, fruits and stems if the conditions are right. Although it is considered a disease for roses, it affects crops like tomatoes, spinach, lettuce, strawberries, and even beans. Black spots are Kenya’s most destructive disease in farming tomatoes, spinach, and roses.
It begins to develop when there are short rains and sunny periods together. “Bad rain” (Rainfall showers that happen while the sun shines simultaneously) is the cause of black spots and their fast spread; therefore, it is called “bad rain.”

Since it’s a fungal disease, the fungus spreads most when the leaves are wet at 150c to 200c, which is around 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. or 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. in East African countries.
It starts with tiny black spots on leaves, which later spread to stems and fruits. Wind or human activities like weeding and irrigation spread the fungus, which plushes from leaf to leaf. This explains why overhead irrigation in the evenings is discouraged, as it fastens the spread of the fungus.

Unfortunately, most farmers confuse black spots with blight, applying the wrong chemicals only to their disappointment. Open-pollinated varieties are the most affected compared to hybrids.
Black spots also affect the crop quality and the market price.
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How to manage black spot
- Constant monitoring and scouting for early identification will help introduce early measures to curb the spread.
- Avoid overhead irrigation in the late evenings as it spreads the fungus from one crop to another.
- Prune infected parts of the plant while disinfecting the tools to prevent spread. The plant debris should then be disposed of and burned far from the farm.
- Prevention by spraying fungicides early can prevent the damage caused by blackspots. In extreme cases where most crops on the farm are affected, spraying fungicides like Funrun or Infinito can help prevent the spread.