The main aim of every dairy farmer is to have high milk production and an increased herd. Milk prices have been increasing in the last three years due to low farmers’ supply.
Prolonged drought experienced over the three years led to the deaths of cows due to starvation in arid areas. Despite these challenges, there are farmers who have managed to have cows with high production of 50-100 litres per day.
Over 80% of dairy farmers have an average production of 5-10 litres per day which is not economical.
The secret to more milk
A high-producing dairy cow above 50 litres per day must be;
A Good Breed
Not all cow breeds are high milk producers. Holstein Friesian breed is the highest milk producer with 6000-7000 kilograms per lactation. identified by its typical black-white markings,freshian does well in highland regions with cool and wet climates.

Nonetheless, the milk has low protein and butterfat content compared to that produced by low-producing breeds like Guernsey and Jersey. Guernsey and Jersey produce 6000 and 4500 kilograms per lactation respectively.
Quality feeds
Having a good breed is not a guarantee for high milk production. What you feed your cows determines the quantity and quality of the milk you will get.
A cow should feed on a well-balanced ration, quality mineral salts and clean water. Proteins are responsible for high milk production. The more proteins the animal eats in concentrates or fodder the more milk it produces. Order quality dairy feeds Here!
Sunflower, canola, soya, cotton, and canola seedcakes are the best plant proteins for dairy cows. It can also be supplemented with alfalfa, lucern, desmodium, sweet potato vines and maize or sorghum silage. Read Also: How to make quality silage for more milk production
Feeding dairy meals alone, which in most cases is substandard, can’t make a dairy cow increase milk production. It is for this reason, farmers are buying a dairy meal and supplementing it with proteins.
On-time calving
A good dairy cow breed should also calve down at least once per year. Further, delay leads to a decline in milk production.
In the production cycle of a dairy cow, it is only in the first six months after calving down it can increase production. After that milk production starts to decline until calving down regardless quality of feeding.
To have a new calf every year, the cow must come on heat within 60 days of calving down and served. Serving should be done with high-producing breeds at the right time for successful conception.
Good health all the time
A sick animal cannot produce to its potential. Frequent monitoring and early vaccination always help to prevent disease infections
Mastitis, a bacterial disease is the most economic disease in dairy farming. Though it may be genetic, to some extent it is brought by poor hygiene and incomplete milking. Cows with chronic mastitis which are genetic should be bred with breeds that have a low preference for mastitis.
Frequent spraying with acaricides such as delete or dual dip will also help control ticks.

Cow comfort
This is the ease of a cow to eat, drink water, walk and sleep in the barn. The quality of the troughs and sleeping area determines the amount of time the cow spends chewing cud and making milk.
In poorly constructed barns, cases of physical injuries and foot rot are rampant in animals. This instils pain leading leading to a decline in production regardless of feeds and breed.
Finally, the secret to more milk production is the implementation of all five factors.