A complete guide on capsicum spraying
Pests and diseases management account for over 30% of the total cost of capsicums production . What this means is that if diseases and pests are not managed well they may lead to a huge loss regardless of other factors.
The good thing is that most of these diseases can be managed and controlled through early prevention measures.This measures start with frequent crops scouting. But is there a chance a farmer installs these measures and still suffers losses associated with pest and diseases attack? The answer is YES!
Several factors may make the prevention and control measures completely ineffective. These factors include spraying the WRONG chemicals, poor APPLICATION methods that make the applied chemicals ineffective and LATE applications when the damage is severe.
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The effectiveness of this program will depend on; the quality of the chemical sprayed, the method of spraying and the timing.
The farmer should read first, the chemical’s label with instructions and adhere to it fully. The sprayers should also be cleaned thoroughly before use.
Fungal diseases are the most devastating though there are others that are bacterial and viral.
Spray programme
On the eve of transplanting, spray your seedlings with Redomil Gold to prevent post-emergency damping off. Drenching with Thunder insecticide after transplanting and watering is necessary to kill any pests in the soil like cutworms.
After 21 days the seedlings are well-developed and can now be sprayed with fungicides to control fungal diseases. These diseases are ; early and late blight, downy mildew, powderly mildew, and rust.
A mixture of Redomil Gold and Score (fungiscides) is sprayed on the 21st day as an early prevention measure. This is repeated once per week in dry seasons and at least twice per week in heavy rainy seasons.

Luna sensation and Metacop (fungiscides)can be alternated and added to the weekly spray program to prevent and control downy and powderly mildew. Downy mildew and powderly mildew leads to leafs defoliation, flowers abortion and finally total crop loss.
Fungurun (fungiscide) should be sprayed to prevent and control the spread of rust and black spots.
Insect and pest control
Red spider mites, aphids and whiteflies are the major devastating pests in capsicums farming either in greenhouses or outdoors.
These pests sack the plant sap and destroy the leaf lowering its surface area for photosynthesis and hence low yield.
Spraying Thunder or Belt or OberonSpeed or Match (insecticides) alternatively helps in preventing and controlling them. For Tuta absoluta control, Dynamec (insectiscide) can be added to any of the above insecticides.
Blossom end rot ; a crop disorder caused by calcium deficiency which makes the fruits rot at the tips can be prevented by spraying with Calmax foliar which is rich in calcium at the onset of flowering.
In the event of flower and fruit abortion, spray Omex foliar or Wauxal Macromix to prevent and control.
Bacterial wilt which causes the crop to wilt and die off has no treatment but just a crop rotation with crops of different classes like beans.