Capsicums farming is feared by most farmers as it is associated with high chances of failure.
The high seed dormancy makes them take a long time before germinating (up to 4 weeks) thus taking up to 8 weeks in the seedbed and they may even fail to germinate at all.
The first month is so risky that 50% of all transplanted seedlings may die. With all this in consideration, I still believe capsicums farming is an easy, simple and viable enterprise to venture into.
How much is a kilo of capsicum in Kenya?
Capsicums market is one of the stable markets with a minimum market price of Ksh 50 and a maximum of even up to Ksh 120 (green ones) per Kilo depending on market supply.
For red and yellow capsicums, prices range from Ksh 150 to Ksh 450 depending on your location and demand.
The problem with the coloured capsicums is that they don’t do well in most mass markets as most people prefer green ones but you can opt to sell them when they are green before they are ripe.
Is capsicums farming profitable in Kenya?
In the case of green capsicums, sell them when they are medium-sized. Small-sized capsicums mean less money to the farmer as more is required to fill a 50kg bag while Medium-sized ones mean a profit to the farmer as few fill the 50kg bag.
The big ones are slow movers mass market (normal market) as people tend to believe they are GMOs.They are good in tenders.
Land Preparation
The 6-8 weeks of raising seedlings are ample time to carry out both primary and secondary tillage as well as gather enough manure to use during planting.
Capsicum seeds tend to have a high dormancy rate which lowers their rate of germination and that’s why I recommend buying seedlings for starters but if you prefer raising them yourself, then this is how to raise them successfully.
How many capsicums plant per acre in Kenya?
140 grams containing almost twenty thousand seeds can fit one acre on a spacing of 45cm by 45cm.
Ensure you spray Ridomil Gold 50gms in 20l of water on the eve of transplanting to prevent dumping off.
How to plant capsicums
observe a Spacing of (45cmx45cm) .Add as much manure as you can per hole to avail necessary nutrients. Add 50gms of D.A.P/N.P.K and mix. Plant at the center of the pit
Water and then drench with Thunder 10ml in 20l of water to kill any cutworms or any soil-related pests
Management after transplanting
Week 1-4
Drench with 28 gms of Confidor in 20L of water once every week while top dressing with 50gms of urea on the 14th and 28th day
Week 5-8
Spray thunder 10ml or belt 4ml in 20l of water together with dynamec 10ml In20L of water plus sticker once every week to control aphids, thrips, whiteflies, leaf miners, bollworms and Tuta absoluta.
Read The three ways to manage leaf Miner (Tuta Absoluta)
For organic farmers, you can spray a mixture of neam extract + ginger+ garlic+ red peeper +plus fermented cows urine (100ml in 20L of water) to control pests.
Spray Ridomil Gold 50gms or Milor 50gms or Milraz 40ml together with 20ml of Score plus sticker in 20L of water to prevent early & late blight/tuber blight, Powderly mildew, leafspots, Botrytis and anthracnose once a week in low rainy periods and twice a week in high rainy periods until the completion of the harvest.
Read Pepper bacterial diseases; find out how to identify, control and prevent
Fungal disease management is expensive and that’s why we recommend prior spraying before symptoms are visible.
Top dress with 50 gms of a mixture of N.P.K and C.A.N in the ratio of 1kg: 1kg per plant after every 2 weeks until the end of the crop.
Spray Calmax, calcium-based foliar feed after every 2 weeks with proper weeding to ensure there is easy absorption of water and calcium by the plant to prevent blossom end rot.
De-suckering is the removal of unwanted suckers both in the greenhouse and outdoor peppers. Ensure you’ve dipped your scissors in a disinfectant after pruning and de-suckering each pepper plant to prevent the spread of diseases from one plant to another.
You may also prune old branches that you are done harvesting to create a room for new suckers which enables a longer harvesting period of up to even 2 years.
How to Stake in greenhouses
In greenhouse capsicums; Stake them using a nylon string around the fruiting branches to a barbed-wire 2m above the surface.
Unlike in tomatoes where we don’t recommend trying the nylon string directly at the foot of the plant, in capsicums it is not a problem as this is just for a smaller period of time before the fruits are harvested and the old stem cut out.
Mulching with wheat straws, dry grass and maize stocks increases soil fertility, and reduces water evaporation thus reducing the amount of water used for irrigation and preventing fruit rot due to the direct contact of the fruits with the soil. Plastic mulch is a better option also.
How to Irrigate your capsicums
Drip irrigation is the most efficient irrigation system in terms of water usage especially done at night when the rate of evaporation is low.
Use of sprinklers, misting or watering cans is also okay only when done early in the morning but not late in the evening or at night as this often causes late or early bright infection.
Where You Go Wrong
- Bad seeds variety selection
- Poor management especially in the first month
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