Though cabbage is one of the most consumed vegetables, as a farmer you need to find a way you can produce quality cabbages at the lowest cost possible. Like any other crops before planting it’s good to do a MARKET REVIEW to identify the prevailing market prices as well as production trends.
What is the best month to plant cabbages?
The cabbage market is always good in dry seasons. This is because only those doing irrigation produce during the dry months. During wet months the demand is low as the supply of other vegetables is plenty lowering demand for cabbages and pushing prices down.
How long do cabbages take to mature?
The majority of cabbages start maturing from the 75th day to 90 days of transplanting. This often depends on the variety of management and feeding.
These are some of the best five cabbage varieties that are doing well in Kenya currently.
Land Preparation
land preparation is the first step and how well you do it will determine the rate of determination and hence its cost.
The 4-6 weeks of raising seedlings are ample time to carry out both primary and secondary tillage as well as gather enough manure to use during planting. Learn here how to raise seedlings.
How to Plant Cabbages
- Ensure you spray Redomil Gold on the eve of transplanting to prevent dumping off
- The cabbage size you need determines the spacing at which you plant your cabbages. Large-size cabbages call for a bigger spacing (60cmx60cm) while small and medium-sized cabbages call for smaller spacing (50cmx50cm)
- Add a 2kg tin of cow/sheep/chicken manure
- Plant at the centre of the pit
- Water and then drench with thunder 10ml in 20L of water to kill cutworms and any other pests that may be in the soil.
Cabbage management
Top dress with 50 grams of DAP or NPK 23.23.0 after one week of transplanting.
After 21 days of transplanting, you can top dress with NPK 17.17.17.
Top dress with 50 Gms of a mixture of N.P.K and C.A.N in the ratio of 1kg: 1kg in the second month of transplanting
Alternate spaying of Thunder (Insecticides) to prevent and control signs of aphids, thrips, caterpillars or diamond black moth (D.B.M) infestation
From the 6th week of transplanting, you may spray Score (Fungiscide) to control leaf spots, Powderly mildew or downy mildew if there are any signs of them.
Take a lot of care when spraying fungicides as this can cause stunted growth if used in excess.
Watch out for yellow large spots which turn brown with a bad rotten smell and often leave a yellow colouring on your hand when touched. These are signs of BLACK ROT infestation.
Spray Funguran (Fungiscide) a 50% copper-based fungicide to control it. It’s good to note that Funguran will only be effective if sprayed at the early stages.
Black rot if not treated can destroy the whole crop in less than 7 days. A fungicide cannot heal a dead part of the plant; it can only prevent or control the spread of the disease.
How many heads of cabbage can one get per acre?
Under good management, plant population of 13,000 heads, the farmer can manage to get at least 12,500 heads.
Finally, is cabbage farming profitable?
Cabbage farming is very profitable if done the right way with good seeds and management.
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