Farming is diverse and is changing day in day out. The change is brought by the changing demand patterns from consumers. Most consumers are concerned about their health as more cancer cases are related to the foods we are taking thus turning to other farming enterprises like Managu (Black Nightshade) farming. Glyphosate trace elements from round up have been found in corn in many countries which have been proven to be carcinogenic.
This, therefore, has attracted a new breed of consumers who need fresh and chemical-free produce. Some of these have gone further to produce their own food on artificial kitchen gardens in their bulkons.
Herbs are among these crops with high medicinal value and which have attracted a lot of demand. In this article, we are going to take a deep look at Managu. What is its nutritional value? How do you farm it? Is there a market?
How nutritional is managu?

It is rich in proteins, calcium, iron, phosphorus, and magnesium, Beta Carotene, Vitamin E, Folic acid, and Ascorbic acid.
The Major Common Varieties
Narrow leafed (Solanum Villosum)

This variety has medium-sized leaves and is liked in most parts of the rift valley even though it can grow in any part of Kenya. It also produces orange-colored fruits which are edible.
Broad leafed (Solanum Americanum)

It’s broad-leafed with purple seeds and less bitter taste than the narrow-leafed. Does very well in most parts of Kenya with a wider market. Both have the same nutritional value.
Read Also:Harvesting 12;90kg Bags Of Maize Quarter an Acre
Planting and management
Transplanting is done 30 days after seeding with 5-6 true leaves. The soil should have good organic manure for better results.
Frequent irrigation is needed to avoid water stress and have optimum growth and yield.
Supplemental manure with urea (N) after every two weeks will go much far in increasing crop yield.
Some of the major pests include
Root nematode is the deformation of the root system which inhibits the translocation of water and mineral salts thus resulting in stunted plant growth. It can be controlled by crops rotation and intensive use of manure.

Cutworms are grey to black caterpillars feed at night, either bite out the side of the stem at a ground level causing the plant to fall over, or may cut it completely. It is controlled by hand removal since the pest is easily found near the damaged plant. Spraying Thunder OD 145 or Belt 480SC insecticides late evening will work.

Flea Beetle feeds on leaves creating big holes in the foliage and is controlled by keeping the garden weeds free.

Aphids. Destructive on crops especially during dry seasons. They are pale green and often covered with a light dust of mealy powder the results are curled and distorted leaves. Ash and pesticides like Belt 480sc or Thunder OD 145 can be used to control.

Common diseases
Bacterial bright is characterized by small, round, water-soaked spots, which eventually turn dark brown to black and become hard and dry.
- Once the soil is affected, avoid panting night shade for a period of at least 4 years.
- Use disease free seeds
Early blight. Leaf spots of early blight are circular, up to 1 cm in diameter, brown, and often show a circular pattern which distinguishes this disease from other leaf spots

- The disease has no cure but can be controlled using fungicides but observe the recommended post-harvest interval.
- Crop rotation with amaranth will help but not tomatoes, potato, or capsicum as they belong to the same family and are susceptible to the same diseases
- Remove infected leaves during the growing season, discard all badly infected plant debris at the end of each season
- Use certified disease-free seeds
- When using own seeds, treat with hot water
Maturity Period: 60 days after direct seed sowing in the field or 30 days after transplanting
- The most common way of harvesting is regular plucking of leaves (multiple harvesting), twice per week.
- 14 days after transplanting, cut the growing point of the plant to encourage branching; and 2 weeks later start plucking the young shoots and continue harvesting every 1 to 2 weeks for 3 to 4 months
Very educative peace.continue educating us bro.