Spinach is a supplement to most indigenous vegetables in Kenya. Most young people, who form an average of 70% of the total population, are changing their eating habits, eating fewer animal proteins and more vegetables.
This change has brought more demand for spinach farming, which is not only a supplement but also blends with most meals.
Is spinach farming profitable?
Spinach farming is very profitable, with high demand in dry seasons, where a kilo can sell for up to Kes 40. In the rainy season, prices may fall to Kes 15 minimum due to low demand.
The question of health and traceability remains a key concern for most consumers. Can one produce enough safe spinach in one’s kitchen garden for one’s family? How much can this cost? This article is a step-by-step guide to spinach farming.
Spinach farming
Carry out both primary and secondary ploughing.
What is the proper Spacing in spinach farming?
Observe a spacing of 30cm by 30cm at least or 45cm by 45 cm at most.
How to Plant and manage spinach?
Add as much farm yard manure as possible, water it, and mix well with the soil. Farmyard manure improves soil fertility, which increases the growth rate.
Drench with 10ml of thunder in 20l of water to kill all cutworms that may be in the soil
Transplant the spinach seedlings that you have raised or outsourced. Learn how to raise seedlings effectively in this article How Do I Raise Seedlings Successfully?
Top dress with DAP fertilizer on the 7th day. The roots will be well-developed and ready to absorb nutrients at this stage. Nitrogen and Phosphorus in DAP fertilizer are leached easily into the soil and, therefore, may not be of much help if applied immediately during transplanting.
On the 14th day, topdress with urea to increase the vegetative growth. You can also topdress with biogas waste.
At this stage, spraying with fermented 100ml in 20l of water of fermented cows’ urine can also act as foliar feed and insecticide.
It is also advisable to spray 10ml of score in 20 l of water to prevent black spot infection. Black spot infection has no cure and lowers the quality of leaves.
How long does it take to grow spinach?
Spinach grows very fast under good management, with the first harvest expected from the 35th to 45th day. Before harvesting, always ensure you observe the proper post-harvest interval(PHI) for healthy produce.
How many times can spinach be harvested?
Spinach can be harvested continuously for up to three months. Harvesting is done twice a week. After every two weeks, topdressing with Urea or DAP is done. These are the most effective fertilizers as they have high nitrogen levels necessary for faster leaf growth.
Why farm spinach?
Requires small land and capital: With a small land size of 4m by 4m and a capital of one thousand Kenyan shillings plus the knowledge of this article, one can produce enough spinach for a family of four.
Buy your spinach seeds HERE!!
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