The greatest problem facing poultry farming in Kenya
The majority of Kenyans reside in rural areas characterized by low income and food insecurity, which lead to high levels of poverty. Poultry production contributes to a cheap source of animal proteins and cash income.
Production is pushed by increased demand for white meat and an emerging niche in urban markets for quality organic products.
Kenya produces over 20 million tons of poultry meat worth over KES 3.5 billion and 1.3 billion eggs worth KES 9.7 Billion. However, this is declining due to the huge constraints in poultry production, leaving farmers at a loss.
These problems still revenge farmers despite their vast knowledge and training. They are problems which are rarely covered. Losses of millions are associated with these problems. The farmworx team is working hard to find the best solutions farmers can use to mitigate the huge losses.
The two main constraints
Poor Quality Feeds
Poor-quality feed is the leading problem poultry farmers face in their production. Most Feeds are below standards. Good-quality feeds should have all the necessary nutrients, such as proteins, energy, and vitamins.

Starter poultry feeds have high crude proteins above 18%, 14% for growers and 16% or more layers and finishers. It should have the right balance of nutrients, such as calcium.
However, this is not the case. Most feeds in the market have crude protein below the recommended levels. This is to lower the cost of production, as protein supplements tend to be expensive. Canola, sunflower, Cotton, and soya seed cakes are the joint crop protein supplements. These can also be substituted with a fish meal or omena or ochong’a.

Due to greed, most feeds lack these key supplements despite their high cost. This means that the bird will require more feed for proper production, which is an extra cost to the farmer.
Fortunately, farmers can formulate their feeds with the required nutrient content using locally available ingredients. The farmworx team has formulated formulation formulas for poultry feeds. This is to help farmers formulate cheap feeds and cut the general cost of production by over 30%. Request the feed formulation guide HERE.
Volatile Market
Though demand is growing, the meat and eggs market is very volatile. Market prices change with the levels of imports.
Poultry farming in neighbouring countries is cheaper than in Kenya, making their eggs and meat cheaper and more competitive. When imports flood the market, farmers are left desperate and have no option but to sell their produce at throwaway prices.
This means loss, as the birds keep feeding until the last day. Read Also: How you can easily farm your coffee.
To remain in business, poultry farmers have innovated ways of directly hawking their eggs to consumers on stages and roadsides. This way, at least, the farmer is guaranteed his money.
Contract and credit selling have worked negatively with most farmers. Sellers have failed to honour their payments, leaving most farmers counting losses. Therefore, as a poultry farmer, never sell your products on credit.
Also, never slaughter your boiler before confirming payment. Regardless of how attractive poultry production may be, keep it off if you don’t have a ready market.
Good advice from Emmah, especially avoiding selling on credit. How can farmers identify feed of low quality apart from increased consumption?