agriculture industry, farming and animal husbandry concept - herd of cows eating hay in cowshed on dairy farm
Do you know Feeding dairy cows for maximum production depends purely on which stage the lactating cow is in?
A dairy cow has four production stages, and milk production changes with each stage. A simple sigmoid calve can represent the early, mid-, late-, and dry stages.
Stage 1: From calving to peak milk production (1-70day)
This is the only stage a farmer can profit from, as milk production is directly proportional to feeding. Feed with a total mixed ration high in proteins and energy feeds. Mineral salts high in calcium should be added to the ration.
The high-yield Dairy meal is used at this stage as it has a high crude protein content of up to 18% compared to the standard dairy meal with 12-14% crude protein content.
If the animal is appropriately fed at this stage, the animal can come into heat within 100 days and a calving interval of one year (365 days)
At this stage, only Feeding dairy cows for maximum production can be done for high profits.

Stage 2: Mid-lactation (71-150 days)
In this stage, milk production is constant, and the input increase does not reflect milk production. It is the peak, and the output is optimal. Farmers should keep costs low to break even and avoid losses.
Maintain the exact quantities of high-quality feeds, clean water, and mineral salts.
Feed on concentrates high on digestible fibre rather than starch. The ration should have at least 15-18% crude protein.
Read Also
- How to formulate own animal feeds at home
- How to increase milk yield from your dairy farming; find out if your feeding is proper.
Stage 3: late lactation (151-305day)
The animal is two months in calf, and the milk starts to decline gradually to zero at the three hundredth day (seven months in calf).
Re-adjust the ratio to reduce proteins and cost. Regardless of the number of feeds increased, milk production continues to decline.

Stage 4: Dry stage (305-365 days)
Zero milk production occurs at this stage, and any efforts to increase it can lead to milk fever after calving down, underweight calves, and reduced milk production at stage 1.
Even if the animal has milk, it is mandatory to stop milking but consult a veterinarian on the best drying techniques to avoid mastitis. Feed more high-energy feeds and mineral salts to prevent milk fever after calving down.
Steaming up
It prepares the animal’s body for increased milk production at stage 1. It is usually the last three weeks to calve down.
Introduce feeds with protein (High-quality, high-yield Dairy meal) and gradually increase the quantity from 1kg to 5 kg per day, increasing again after calving down. Mineral salts and calcium supplements should also be fed to prevent milk fever after calving down.
It is good to note that these results are dependent on:
- Feeding high-quality feeds (25% concentrates,70% forages, 4 % clean water,1% mineral salts). The risk of feeding low-quality feeds with aflatoxin and other impurities has led to a sharp decline in milk production at the first stage, not to mention hardware diseases.
- General farm management and quality insemination.
- Even though a cow’s genetics influence its production, 90% is management.