In our last article, we talked about its importance to the economy. In this article, we are going to look at the various coffee varieties and their attributes.
Commercial Coffee varieties grown in Kenya
- Tolerant to CBD and CLR
- Early maturing (18 months)
- Cost-effective – reduces costs by 30%
- Grows in all coffee growing areas
- Even though it has all these good features, there is one trait that makes it not to be liked by many farmers, Large internodes among the clusters as compared to Ruiru 11. This means it has a low bearing capacity compared to Ruiru 11 thus low production
- Low tolerance to drought
- If planted in a spacing of 2.1×2.5m (7x8ft), a hectare can hold 1,905trees
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Ruiru 11
Hybrid variety
- Resistant to CBD and CLR
- Early maturing (18 months)
- Cost-effective – reduces costs by 30%
- Compact growth amenable to high-density planting
- The best when it comes to bearing
- Low torrelance to drought that often requires irrigation in the dry season for it to produce
- Grows in all coffee growing area
- If Planted in a spacing of 2x2m (6.6×6.6ft), a hectare can hold 2,500trees
SL 34
- Susceptible to Coffee Leaf Rust and Coffee Berry Disease thus has a high cost of production.
- Grows only in high altitude areas with good rainfall
- Has the heaviest bean as compared to Ruiru 11 and Batiani
- It has a good cup and is often used to blend Ruiru 11 and Batiani
- If Planted in a spacing of 2.74 x2.74m (9×9 ft), a hectare can hold 1,330 trees
Read: How to get profit in your farming; is your farming profitable?
SL 28
- Susceptible to Coffee Leaf Rust and Coffee Berry Disease
- Has heavy bean and a good cup
- Grows in medium to high altitude coffee zones less prone to leaf rust
- If Planted in a spacing of 2.74 x2.74m (9×9 ft), a hectare can carry 1,330 trees.
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- Tolerant to Coffee Leaf Rust ∙
- Tolerant to drought that why it’s used for grafting Ruiru 11
- Grows in low altitude areas
- If Planted in a spacing of 2.74 x2.74 m (9 x9ft), a hectare can hold 1,330 trees.
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